Every book takes on its own life, and it was no different for me when writing Taken Girls (Detective Amanda Steele Series). This one was a journey that ended up pulling me in emotionally, but it wasn’t until late in the editorial process that I realized just how much it touched a personal note for me.

Hate crimes hit the news all the time, but even on a less violent scale, those who are viewed as different, for whatever reason—including those who have made choices others do not agree with—are segregated. This can result in victims of such treatment feeling rejected, abandoned, and betrayed. Others might become angry or vengeful. The truth is that reactions are as unique as the individual. And just as someone bullied in life may not show repercussions later in life, for others, it stays with them, haunts them, and it affects the trajectory of their lives. In extreme cases, it can make them violent, a protective mechanism to hurt before being hurt again. Maybe some find it easier to disregard the impact that bullying has on society or even refuse to accept this behavior still exists. But the sad truth is, it does.

The book touched me enough to share something deeply personal with my readers. For that you will need to read the book and the author letter at the end. But don’t skip ahead or it may ruin the plot for you!

Before you run off to get a copy of Taken Girls, I want to say to everyone out there who is struggling as a victim of bullying, there is light to be found. To society as a whole, I ask that we look inward and examine our hearts—are they big enough to love and accept everyone unconditionally?

Taken Girls is available in e-book, audiobook, and paperback.

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Amazon | Audible | Apple

Paperback – 5.06 x 7.81 inches
Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Books-a-Million | Bookshop.org | AbeBooks


Her Last Words, the next in the Detective Amanda Steele Series, available now for pre-order. Out October 17th!

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