In less than a month’s time, Detective Madison Knight will be back in the twelfth installment of the series! Her Dark Grave presents one of Madison’s darkest investigations to date.

When the bodies of two young women are found severed and disposed of in pieces of luggage, Madison and her partner must figure out what is motivating their killer if there’s to be any hope of stopping the bloodshed. 

It’s early yet, but here is what a few advanced reviewers had to say about Her Dark Grave:

“Another brilliant book, fantastic from start to finish, it had everything in it, can’t wait to read what’s next in the series.” – Graeme R., NetGalley

“This book had a bit of everything! It had suspense, intrigue, murder, serial killers, mystery, a great who-done-it, great police work and a few crazy twists and turns! The storyline was very interesting and kept me glued to my Kindle! I definitely recommend reading this book and series as it was well worth reading!” – Debbie B., NetGalley

“The plot line is well thought-out and executed, the writing is good and certainly held my attention and interest all the way through. I enjoyed following the police investigation which races to a thrilling conclusion with all ends tied up nicely.” – Anne M., NetGalley

Her Dark Grave is available for pre-order in e-book and soon to follow various print sizes and audiobook!

e-book | Apple | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | Google Play | Smashwords | Amazon Universal

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