Kirkus Reviews weighed in on Murder at the Lake (Detective Madison Knight Series) and described the book as “a brisk and appealingly twisty mystery, reliably anchored by the series’ resilient lead.”

Here is more of what they had to say:

“The mystery opens with a murder and all of the primary players immediately fall into position with a few hairpin turns, conveyed in short, crisply written chapters that lead to a satisfying resolution. While this installment can be read as a standalone entry, readers new to the Madison Knight mystery series may want to backtrack several books to become familiar with the recurring cast of characters. Arnold has mastered the recipe for an engrossing, rousing, and ultimately gratifying mystery, and this installment is no exception.”

You can read their full review here.

Murder at the Lake (Detective Madison Knight Series) is available in ebook from a range of popular retailers for a limited time, so you’ll want to grab your copy immediately. A few weeks after release, it will be going into the Amazon Kindle Unlimited Program. It will remain available in various paperback formats, large print edition, hardcover, and audiobook.

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