You’ll want to ADD THESE 5 CRIME THRILLERS to your reading list!

New this Month!

Her Final Breath

Her Final Breath by Carolyn Arnold, a red barn in a field as the sun sets in shades of blue, pink, purple, and yellow.

A mother’s job is to protect her child at all costs.
What happens if she fails?

“A breakneck speed thriller that leaves you reading into the wee hours of the dawn.”
~ Jenn B., Goodreads

“Another fast-paced, action-packed thriller where Amanda and Trent race against the clock to save a woman and her daughter.”
~ Debbie D., Goodreads

“Arnold had me at the image of the mother and daughter curled together in the grave… Exciting, twisty, and oh-so-real.”
~ Pamela Fagan H, Media/Journalist, Goodreads

Secure your copy of Her Final Breath here:

e-book | Barnes & Noble |​ Apple | Kobo | Google Play | Amazon Universal

Paperback – 5.06 x 7.81 inches
Amazon | Barnes & Noble More Paperback Links coming soon!

An Audiobook Version will also be available later this month!

Anniversary Title Spotlight

Have you yet read these heart-pounding thrillers?

Silent Graves (Brandon Fisher FBI Series)

Silent Graves by Carolyn Arnold woman in bonds screaming

She thought she had her drinking and her flirting under control.
Enter the handsome stranger…
What could possibly go wrong with an extra-martial affair?

A thrill ride that is as good as any crime show. It will have you hooked.”
~ Consuming Words

Non-stop action gives this novel a live pulse that beats faster and faster with each turn of the page…”
~ Katie, Goodreads

Tense and terrifying…”
~ The Reader Café


e-book | Apple | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | Google Play | Smashwords | Amazon Universal

This title is also available in paperback formats, audiobook, and hardcover. For links, visit the book page here.


Black Orchid Girls (Detective Amanda Steele Series)

Black Orchid Girls by Carolyn Arnold, preteen lake will trees in the background spread of orchids bottom front.

College student Chloe Somner has everything—good looks, popularity, and money.
The person lurking in the shadows wants to take it all away…

“Compelling and enthralling and one that grips you from start to finish.”
~ NetGalley

 “Another twisty mystery with an explosive ending you won’t see coming! Wow!”
~ NetGalley

All five senses were on high alert with this book. FANTASTIC series!”
~ Lynchburg Mama


e-book | Amazon Universal

This title is also available in paperback, and audiobook. For links, visit the book page here.


Midlife Psychic – Grab this for Kindle in Canada and the United States for only $2.49!

Midlife Psychic by Carolyn Arnold a woman seeing a vision amidst the cosmoses with gold sparks raining down

Hot flashes in my forties? Expected.
Waking up psychic? Not in my wildest dreams.

“What a heart-pounding good story. I was totally drawn in and couldn’t put the book down.”
~ Goodreads

“[This] had me on the edge of my seat with mystery, giggling with a hint of romance, and completely invested and engulfed in the storyline…”
~ Leels Love Books

“Erin is absolutely a brilliant character … Your attention is grabbed right from the outset, and you won’t want to stop turning the pages.”
~ The Faerie Review

GRAB THIS DEAL for Kindle in Canada and the US (links below):

e-book | Amazon Canada

The e-book is also available in other countries and from other retailers. Paperback and audiobook are an option as well. For links, visit the book page here.


Power Struggle – Grab this for Kindle in Australia for only $1.49!

Power Struggle by Carolyn Arnold, rundown barns in a field with a stormy sky.

One female detective. One Mafia hit man. One score to settle.

Action-packed with a lot of moving parts… Mysterious to the core.”
~ Texas Book Nook

Gritty and emotionally jagged, Carolyn Arnold’s Power Struggle pours on the suspense…”
~ Tome Tender Book Blog

Real and vivid…”
~ Momma and Her Stories

GRAB THIS DEAL for Kindle in Australia (link below):

Amazon Australia

The e-book is also available in other countries and from other retailers. Paperback and audiobook are an option as well. For links, visit the book page here.

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