by Carolyn Arnold | June 20, 2023 | Detective Amanda Steele
“Another home run, packed full [of] action and suspense…”Melody M., NetGalley Music from the busy dancefloor echoes into the deserted room where the Prom Queen lies deadly still. A tiara rests on her soft blonde curls, but her face is frozen with fear, and her painted...
by Carolyn Arnold | June 14, 2023 | Detective Madison Knight Series
The moonlight dances across her bare skin, and a shooting star flies across the sky. And while the young woman’s eyes are open and facing upward, they no longer see anything… The beach party was to mark the end of high school and to celebrate going to college in the...
by Carolyn Arnold | June 7, 2023 | Detective Amanda Steele, Detective Madison Knight Series, Matthew Connor Adventure
Exciting things on the horizon! Shining a spotlight on four books for the month of June, including TAKEN GIRLS (Detective Amanda Steele Series) out June 20th. Out this Month! Taken Girls (Detective Amanda Steele Series) Music from the busy dancefloor echoes into the...
by Carolyn Arnold | May 31, 2023 | Detective Madison Knight Series
Often, as a writer, I’m asked what inspired a book, and for my latest, Her Dark Grave (Detective Madison Knight Series), I pulled from a real-life case that I learned about when my husband and I attended the local citizen’s police academy. This was several years ago...