File Transfer Instructions for Mobi Files
There are a few ways to send your MOBI file to your Kindle:
- Connecting your Kindle to your computer
- E-mailing the file to your free Amazon Kindle e-mail address
- Sending it to your Kindle
Transfer by connecting your Kindle to your computer:
- Download the MOBI format file to your computer.
- Using the USB/charging cable provided with the Kindle, connect your Kindle to the computer.
- Drag and drop the file to your Kindle’s “documents” folder, using your computer’s file browser.
- When done, eject the Kindle’s disk icon (right-click on the icon and choose “Eject.”).
E-mail the MOBI file to your Kindle app or device:
- Find out your Kindle app’s or device’s e-mail address. Here’s how:
- To find your Send-to-Kindle e-mail address, visit Manage your Devices.
- Click on the app or Kindle you want to e-mail the file to and at beneath it, you will see the device or app information including an e-mail address.
- Attach the book document to an e-mail and send to the appropriate device or app.
- Documents can only be sent to your Kindle devices or apps from e-mail accounts that you added to your Approved Personal Document E-mail List. To add an e-mail account, visit the Personal Document Settings page at Manage Your Kindle.
- To send a document to your Kindle device or app, simply attach it to an e-mail addressed to your Send-to-Kindle e-mail.
- It is not necessary to include a subject in the email.
- Download the MOBI format file to your computer.
- Attach the file to an e-mail message and send it to your Kindle app’s or device’s e-mail address that you found in step 1.
- As long as your sending e-mail is approved with Amazon, the document is automatically transferred to your Kindle. (To approve sending e-mail address, see above.)
Send the file to your Kindle:
- Go to
- Download the program to your computer and sent it up with your Amazon accounts that are connected to your Kindle.
- Go the file on your computer and right click. There will be an option for Send to Kindle, click that and pick your reading device.