Author Carolyn Arnold holding a Stiles Police Detective badge and an image of police tape with a blurred out police car in the background

File Transfer Instructions for Mobi Files

There are a few ways to send your MOBI file to your Kindle:

  1. Connecting your Kindle to your computer
  2. E-mailing the file to your free Amazon Kindle e-mail address
  3. Sending it to your Kindle

Transfer by connecting your Kindle to your computer:

  1. Download the MOBI format file to your computer.
  2. Using the USB/charging cable provided with the Kindle, connect your Kindle to the computer.
  3. Drag and drop the file to your Kindle’s “documents” folder, using your computer’s file browser.
  4. When done, eject the Kindle’s disk icon (right-click on the icon and choose “Eject.”).

E-mail the MOBI file to your Kindle app or device:

  1. Find out your Kindle app’s or device’s e-mail address. Here’s how:
  • To find your Send-to-Kindle e-mail address, visit Manage your Devices.
  • Click on the app or Kindle you want to e-mail the file to and at beneath it, you will see the device or app information including an e-mail address.
  • Attach the book document to an e-mail and send to the appropriate device or app.


  1. Download the MOBI format file to your computer.
  2. Attach the file to an e-mail message and send it to your Kindle app’s or device’s e-mail address that you found in step 1.
  3. As long as your sending e-mail is approved with Amazon, the document is automatically transferred to your Kindle. (To approve sending e-mail address, see above.)

Send the file to your Kindle:

  1. Go to
  2. Download the program to your computer and sent it up with your Amazon accounts that are connected to your Kindle.
  3. Go the file on your computer and right click. There will be an option for Send to Kindle, click that and pick your reading device.


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