Thank you for your interest in the McKinley Mysteries.

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The murder-solving duo, Sean and Sara McKinley, have been entertaining readers since they were first introduced to the world in 2014. There were seven titles released in the series that year, with five more in the years to follow. Readers familiar with the antics of the couple have enjoyed each installment, and the series even attracted some attention from those in television. But the series hasn’t had quite the reach that it deserves. To help in this regard, a fresh, bold initiative is required.

Starting in February 2022, the books in the series will be unpublished. If you are currently reading through the McKinley Mysteries, you will want to purchase or download the next as soon as possible.

The good news is this won’t be the end for the McKinleys, but it will mark a new beginning! Sean and Sara McKinley will make a reappearance in 2023, reborn and better than ever! The original shorter stories that readers have loved will be expanded into full-length novels and some tweaks will be done to make the characters even more modern for this day and age. Don’t worry, they will always be Sean and Sara—kind-hearted and generous with a love for adventure and a knack for solving murder! But there will be more crazy suspects, red herrings, and twists and turns to glue readers to the pages. The series will also be reborn enough that even if someone has read the original stories, they will greatly enjoy the reimagined versions. The series will have a new name and a new look to go with all this too!

While there is a sadness to saying “see you for now” to beloved characters, this is a necessary course of action to expand the reach for this series. The books will conform more with expected tropes in the cozy mystery genre—without sacrificing originality of course!—and hopefully that, too, will attract even more readers who will enjoy sleuthing around with Sean and Sara.

Before I sign off, though, I would be remiss if I didn’t thank all the readers who loyally read and supported me and the McKinley Mysteries over the years. Thank you, readers!!! I also hope that you will give the new versions a read!

Always wishing that you’re holding a good book in your hand!

Carolyn Arnold

P.S. Keep an eye out! The new series is set to launch this year!




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